Monday, April 10, 2006

The Normal Christian Life

Have you ever wondered what the normal Christian life is like? That is the subject of one of my dreams. Not all my dreams are so spiritual- last night I dreamed that my father was teaching me how to rob banks- and no, my dad doesn't really know how to rob a bank. :-P Where that came from, your guess is as good as mine. Anyways, I woke up thinking about the normal Christian life. What is the normal Christian life? How hard is it supposed to be? What exactly would my life look like if it was normal, based on what God defines as normal?

I think my blog so far in many ways is an attempt to show what should actually be normal. It should be normal that we would be placed in positions where God had to follow through or we would be in trouble. It should be normal for a person to be building their relationship with God every single day, without ever taking a day off. These things should be normal. Spiritual gifting should be normal. I should even be excited about how God might use me on any given day. Maybe I'm off on this, but I'd like to think that every day we could have at least small adventures, where we could discover new facets of God. Although, I am also convinced there is definitely a place for discovering that our emotions don't have to be titillated and we don't have to "feel great" all the time in order for things to be going right in our life. There are seasons where we just need to follow God inspite of not having all the emotions there to help us do what we are called to do. Can the two of these things mesh together and both be true? I am not sure, though in some respects they are two different things and not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I also have another question. Could my life be just a little bit boring in part because I am not allowing myself to be in faith-challenging circumstances? Places where there is real need. I'm not saying there is no ministry in my life, that is not true. The truth is that I am doing very well with what God has given me, and I am always trying to improve. But maybe you, and definitely I am little bit bored because there isn't enough ministry in our lives. I'll have to think about how to fill that gap... and maybe you should too, if that is where you are. It is nice to make a difference in someone's life...

Your companion in Christ,

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