Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Joy can be an elusive fruit of the Spirit. If you are not experiencing joy, then it might be a good exercise to see if you can find out why.

Now when I say joy, I don't necessarily mean that you are in a great mood or that you are happy. Even in difficult emotional struggles, if your relationship with God is in a good place joy can be there too. While it is true that not every reason for not having joy is necessarily bad, I would say that at least 75% of the time, if you aren't experiencing joy it is either because there is sin, or you did not get what you needed from God in your time with him. Joy is generally a sign, therefore, that there is peace between you and God and that you are have received the love you need from God on that day.

Not having joy is a signpost, a warning. Please take it seriously. If you live seperated from the joy that comes from God long enough, you may try to fill this need some other fashion- either through overdoing your hobbies, placing extra unnecessary expectations on friends and the people you live with, or giving in to addictions. All kinds of sin are readily available to the one who isn't filled with God, and what you might consider an unlikely temptation now might easily beguile you in an unexpected attempt on your part to meet unmet emotional needs. And just because the sin you choose is socially acceptable doesn't mean you will get off scot free with God...

May your life be filled with the joy that comes with surrendering to God and living in the presense of his love. If you have some sin in between you and God, please take care of it now. It will take time to get your joy back, and you owe it to yourself to get your joy back.

Your companion in Christ,

1 comment:

Sean Zlatnik said...

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3