Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Be Careful How You Look At Others

I was on CNN, and I saw this article: https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/02/asia/khmer-rouge-duch-cambodia-death-intl-hnk/index.html I was happy. I said "Judgment is coming for someone evil." I was not just happy, I was angry-happy. I thought an evil person had just received his comeuppance. I was wrong.

Please don't misunderstand me. What the man did in his time as "Comrade Duch" for Khmer Rouge is beyond despicable. No question he more than screwed up. And I don't know the guy, so I don't know what he was like later in life. What I do know is that according to the article above, he became a born-again Christian towards the end of his life, and he apologized to his victims and begged for forgiveness. That... that changes things. I actually had to apologize to God for speaking ill of one of his kids. I'm sure there are many people on earth that are still angry at him- and rightfully so. But I must remember that the God I serve is a merciful God, who longs for all to come to repentance. Don't get me wrong, I doubt that this man has any treasure at all where he is going. He's going to be a poor man for all eternity- at least in all likelihood. However, assuming his repentance is legit (I assume so), he will find grace and mercy with God. Unless God offers grace and mercy for the worst of us, I see no hope for any of us. We all need to fall on the mercy seat and remember that God is abounding in grace and mercy.

I am grateful today that The God I serve offers to adopt any of us that choose to be adopted by him. He wants all of us to be his kids. The story of Comrade Duch is a story of redemption. May we all be redeemed a little, thinking about how gracious and kind our God is.

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