Friday, March 03, 2006

What the Holy Spirit is saying

Some people reading this have probably never heard God speak or received ministry from the Holy Spirit. I wanted to take this moment and let the Holy Spirit speak what he wants to say to me to give you a taste of what it is like to hear the voice of God for yourself.

Sean, can you see me smile? Can you see that I have such peace for you? Let the voice of the critic inside you, restlessly destroying you, die. Don't you know that I have the most wonderful plans for you, that I want to do some new things in your life? This next season is going to be marked by an increase in ministry. Some of the fights you've been fighting will be over with the victory won. You won't have anything to prove to me, as your Father I love you as you are. You have no idea how much I just want to embrace you everyday, letting my face of love just heal your wounds. Sean, you won't need to be afraid anymore. Not afraid of falling, not afraid of losing my love. You couldn't walk out on me if you wanted to. :-D I would love for you to be astonished and amazed by me everyday, to be surprised at the smallest of miracles- from every prayer answered to the new thing each day I wish to do in your life. Can't you see I am here for you? That I literally adore you, long for you every waking moment, am actively looking to bless you, and am out to get you- not in some fearful way but as a father is out to find his son in a game of hide and seek? :-) Please just enter into my rest every day. Forget yourself in loving me and let my peace reside in your heart, and there you will find the strength you need each day to be lead by God.

I hope this gives you all a taste of what it is like to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself. Jesus died and went to heaven in part so that the Holy Spirit could reside in your heart and speak to you as intimately and tenderly as he just spoke to me. My request to you is to give him a chance. As one of my favorite teachers put it, "He is the kindest person I've ever met in my whole life." Let him be your healer.

Your companion,

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