Friday, March 24, 2006

Handling Frustration

I don't know about you, but my work subjects me to a lot of frustration. It seems that there are periods I go through where as soon as I solve one problem, another raises its head- and sometimes these problems take a whole day or more to solve. This frustration, left unchecked, could leave me very vulnerable to impatience with other people, any kind of escapist sin, and all kinds of temptations that otherwise wouldn't have a chance of getting my attention.

I think it is critical to see when we are vulnerable to sin, and to avoid situations that might lead us astray. Maybe when we are most frustrated is the best time to pull ourselves away from our lives, get connected with God, and remember that all this life we are simply visitors here and that are real home is elsewhere. Forgetting this important fact, we might take life a little too seriously, which despite the erroneous perception that to take things serious is to love God, we risk getting entangled in our situation and going astray. This ability to relax, to trust God, and let go of your circumstances and emotional struggles will keep you spiritually healthy, and sane as well. It seems to me that letting God into it gives me perspective, and perspective gives me peace- which we all need.

Hopefully I am not the only person whose work or life frustrating- and when life does get that way, hopefully you'll remember these words and they will bless you and keep you from sin.

Your companion in Christ,

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