Sunday, December 19, 2021

You Don't Have to Know the Truth to Drive the Spiritual Car that is Faith in God

 I was having a conversation with my friend about faith in God, and after he left I had an epiphany.

My friend is a little like a guy who goes to a place that sells cars and tells the salesman "I'd like to buy a car, but I won't be willing to drive the car unless I understand how the internal combustion engine works."

Now, can the average person understand how the internal combustion engine works? No.  And yet in spite of this, many, many people drive cars around with very little idea of how internal combustion engines work.

I can say definitively that the Christian faith WORKS.  It works, and it works well.  Basically, everyone in a twelve-step group testifies to it working- the twelve steps are basically the Christian faith with Jesus and God stripped from it.  That is not an oversimplification- the founders of AA were Christians who were trying to use their faith to help addicts.  So the Christian faith does work, and apparently your god doesn't have to be The God for it to have an effect- though having your faith be in the one true God probably does help.

I know how to make faith work for someone.  You just have to be willing to fast and pray.  God will do the rest.  That is how to insert the key into the "spiritual car" and turn the engine over.  If you're patient the car will eventually start, and God will show up.  God can do miracles in people's lives if they'll let him.  But only if you give God a chance.  You don't have to even be a theist for this to work.  It works for anyone who is desperate and willing to go to the Nth degree to have God.  "I will be found when you seek me with all your heart."  Jeremiah 29:13

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