Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Why I Think Overturning Roe V. Wade Might Be A Good Thing

 No, I have not become pro-life.  Please hear me out.

Our country is somewhat apathetic about politics.  When I read I realized something... we might be on the cusp of real change.  I think... if Roe V. Wade is overturned, many people- people who didn't care about politics, people who just assume government basically does the right thing all the time- will be INFURIATED.  I believe overturning Roe V. Wade could lead to an overhaul of congress, and ultimately an overhaul of the courts.  I think... pro-life people think that overturning Roe V. Wade will reduce the number of abortions, but in the long term it will lead to more democrats being elected and more just laws being enacted, which to me is worth the negative of Roe V. Wade being overturned.  So I say, if it will stir the American people to no longer tolerate a government that doesn't really well represent them, if it dramatically changes the political landscape of our country so that real change can be accomplished in congress, I say "go ahead conservative judges.  I dare you to overturn Roe V. Wade."  Seriously.  This could lead to the kind of revolution in governing that I've been yearning for, for some time.  Ironic that Mitch McConnell's dream could totally blow up in his face.  Ironic that pro-lifers imagine life being so much better if abortion was outlawed.  I think... I think overturning Roe V. Wade could DRAMATICALLY change the political landscape of our country.  And if I'm right, then conservative Supreme Court justices- BRING IT ON.

My word to people who are worried about this change- be energized by it.  Fight for a just government.  It is interesting that we live in a fairly apathetic country- people often don't really care about the laws that get enacted and the decisions that get made, just "assuming" that government has little to no impact in our day-to-day lives.  I'm telling you now that government can and should make a real difference in how lives go, but because of a VERY vocal minority, many good laws are held up in congress and never become law.  We need a real majority to accomplish what needs to be accomplished.  Only way to get that majority?  Getting people fired up enough to vote.  This could do it...  And I hope it does.

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