Saturday, January 02, 2021

What Are We Doing?

 I just had a conversation, and I'm beginning to think that the Christian culture is going down the road of "let Jesus blood cover your sins, and from there basically just do what you think is right."  I'm not sure that's exactly how they would distill their point of view, but... I think there are many Christians that feel this way, and so I want to talk about it.

Jesus taught many things.  Some of those things are hard to reach.  Others are within our grasp if we are willing.  We all have to wrestle with the statements made by the Son of God.  I think... while we are called to care about our neighbor and what they do, our primary concern should always be what we do.  However, having a high standard of righteousness is a virtue that we should all pursue.  Each of us should care about how we conduct ourselves and what our attitudes are about where we are going and what we are doing.  We should care about the teachings of Jesus.  If something Jesus said seems to run contrary to how you want to live your life, then that is a teaching you should meditate on, for it is his teachings we will judged upon, whether we took them seriously or not.  I know there's a tremendous focus within the Christian community on the teachings of Paul- I think focusing on Paul's teachings instead of Jesus's teachings is a mistake.  One of Paul's teachings is on the atonement.  I'm not opposed to the atonement- I think Jesus dying and resurrecting so we can go to Heaven makes sense.  But I'm sure of this- Jesus teachings >>>> Paul's teachings.  We should focus on what Jesus taught as being the focus of our spiritual selves.  That means we should be weary about focusing on how we can do what we want because of grace, and not focused on trying to follow Jesus.  Do I know the correct interpretation for all of Jesus's teachings?  No.  I don't think anyone should cut off their hand because it causes them to sin, or gouge out their eyes because they cause sin.  I think Jesus just wanted people to be passionate about righteousness.  And I agree with the person I was talking to that that starts with yourself.  I just hope the church doesn't become so grace-centric that we lose our sense of having a high standard and really caring about doing the will of God while here on Earth.  If you think Jesus disagrees with a decision you made or a decision you think you are going to make in the future, I think you should ponder that choice.  Or what on Earth are we doing?

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