Sunday, October 30, 2016

Go Out and Live Your Life

Before I get started, I want to post the following link to watch before you read this post. This video says it all.

Life was meant to be lived. Life wasn't meant to just avoid sin or just to exist long enough to die and go to Heaven. Eternity was meant to be an extension of your life, not a destination to be traveled to. I think a movie that best exemplifies what I'm talking about is "Stranger Than Fiction." If you haven't seen "Stranger Than Fiction," in it a man is just going through the motions in living his life, until one day he starts hearing a narrator, who is narrating his life- and this changes everything. He finds out he's going to die. How he comes to terms with his imminent death is really much of the point of the story. One memorable quote from the movie is "You could eat nothing but pancakes if you wanted." I think the point of that remark is that the quality of the pancakes versus the quality of the life that is being lived is a relevant comparison. You could live 100 years and just barely exist for most of them and it would be meaningless. As I write these words I am convicted of how I'm living my own life, but that does not make these words any less true. Make a decision today to not just exist and get by. Choose today to make the most of what your maker has given you. Go out and live your life.

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