Monday, September 27, 2010

It All Belongs To You, God

This post... is the most intense post I've ever written, but... it is inspired both by what happened, and by a prayer I heard from Graham Cooke- several of the lines were taken directly from it, a prayer I've thought about occasionally since I heard it years ago. I hope this doesn't frighten anyone, but this is my heart and I think it can be very well backed by scripture- each and every line. It also is... a conversation, so God responds. Here goes nothing.

It all belongs to you.
1. My car belongs to you. God: So I could take your transportation away if I wanted to?
Yes. Yes you could.
2. My shelter belongs to you. God: So I could make you homeless if I wanted to?
Yes, you could.
3. My freedom belongs to you. God: So I could have you imprisoned if need be?
Yes... my freedom does belong to you completely, so you could.
4. My sanity belongs to you. God: So I could make you lose your mind?
Yes, my mental health is completely in your hands. It all belongs to you.
5. My money belongs to you. God: So I could make you broke, penniless and without any known way of paying your bills?
Yes. My money belongs to you. It all belongs to you Lord.
6.My life belongs to you. God: So... I could even lead you to your death, and you would allow that?
Yes. My life, and the length thereof, is utterly completely in your hands. You can kill me, if that is what you want.

I know this is intense, but before people attack this, I want to show the scriptures that talk about each of these:

1, 2, 5: Jesus's conversation with the rich young ruler. He demanded everything the man owned. Also, Jesus lived without transportation except by foot, and without a home.

3: Paul knew he would be imprisoned when he went to Rome. He went anyways.

4: King Nebuchadnezzar went insane, according to God's word, to the point where he was eating grass like an animal. While, admittedly, this was a negative consequence for his actions, it does lend credence to the possibility that God could make someone insane for his purposes, even someone who was following God. In my opinion, it isn't that out there- there are other examples of people's mental states being affected by God.

6: Jesus willing went to his death. It's also noteworthy that all of the apostles, save John, were executed, and Paul was punished by the Romans after he deliberately went to Jerusalem, knowing he was likely to be imprisoned because of that. He, too, was executed as well.

My point... if we are to follow Christ, we need to be prepared for the consequences. Jesus did not promise his followers easy, feel-good lives. To the contrary, he warned his followers that life will be full of struggles, but that God will be with us in the midst. We aren't allowed to hold tight to anything, for nothing really belongs to us anyways. It all belongs to God- it was never ours in the first place. We can't function right in the kingdom if we keep seeing ourselves as owners instead of stewards. It all belongs to God... because it always did in the first place.


Unknown said...

Why would I attack points one through six? Seems very reasonable and correct to me.

Hannah said...

I especially like your conclusion and heartily agree with it. We are stewards of all of the things that you listed -- our possessions, our time, and our very lives. They belong to God and it is our responsibility to care for them with His will and Word in mind.