I try to be very circumspect in this space. I try to see other perspectives and to not be an alarmist or someone who is not sensitive to people's feelings. I'm not out to make people angry here- I'm trying to get people to think, to consider ideas that maybe at first they disagree with... trying to get people to ponder other ways of considering things. I try to draw people closer to God. I care about how people think, what people's attitudes are, and where life goes from here for people. I really do want to sound calm and rational when I write here, and I want others to take me seriously. At this moment, I'm contemplating saying things that might sound like... like I am an alarmist, or that I am hysterical for no good reason. I see Trump as an existential threat to our democracy, and I'm not apologizing for seeing him that way.
I wish I could see this another way. I watched the documentary #UNFIT, and that makes it clear that Trump is a malignant narcissist- the same disorder that Hitler had. Now every mental disorder has a spectrum, and I'm not saying Trump is as bad as Hitler- but he does have the same mental disorder. Trump keeps saying that he has no intention of accepting defeat if he loses. He says he's not going to allow a peaceful transfer of power, something both Democrats and Republicans should want. If you think I'm making this up, Google it. I would normally put a link here to it, but right now politics is taking a severe toll on my mental health, and I need to stay away from the news for awhile. However, if you don't believe me, you should definitely go see for yourself.
I'm going to admit something to you today. I'm angry. I realize some people in my audience may in fact be people who fall in this category, but I've decided that saying what needs to be said is too important to let this slide. I'm angry at Trump voters for not seeing the existential threat that Trump is and actually voting for Trump. I can't understand that. I also know multiple people who aren't voting for Trump or Biden, for various reasons- and I'm going to be frank, I'm angry at them. I'm angry at them, because Biden is not going to be a bad president if elected. Not only will you know that he'll step down in four or eight years (I think he verbally committed to only serving one term, but I'm not sure), whenever he either loses or his two terms are up, but... he cares about people. He has genuine empathy. Biden is not bad. It's true that his way of dealing with the abortion issue rubs pro-life people the wrong way- they purely want abortion made illegal, and they don't care for Biden's more nuanced and more compassionate approach to the subject. That's no excuse. If it was a normal Republican president, I wouldn't mind someone telling me that they couldn't vote for Biden. I wouldn't. This is not a normal Republican president- this is someone who is publicly stating he has no intention of accepting the election result if it goes against him. This is someone who wants to be a dictator at any cost. We could either lose the power to vote, or our votes could become meaningless, if Trump can just win regardless of who wins the actual election. I think this matters. I think people that can't see the threat that Trump poses to our country are blind- I think they are willfully turning a blind eye on Trump's evil like how he's behaving is just bad and not horrific.
We can't sit idly by in this situation. We have to at least try to vote Trump out. We do have a very serious problem if Trump wins because the Supreme Court hands him the election in spite of the Electoral College not voting his way. I can't understate how serious this situation is. Trump must be defeated. Our very democracy likely hangs in the balance. Trump is already talking about winning a third term, when he hasn't even won a second term AND the constitution PROHIBITS serving three terms as president. So he wants to ignore the constitution. How can you see that and not say "Trump needs to be stopped at any cost?" I just don't see it. Trump is an existential threat to our democracy and way of life. He must be stopped.