Friday, October 21, 2011

God is not Available to the Casual Seeker

This is a partial quote from Graham Cooke- it ends with "Seek God with all your heart." I'm here to tell that that's God's honest truth. I'll tell you a secret- you get what you want. I wanted God, so I fasted and prayed and sought his face and worked through garbage and read kingdom books- I wanted God so I got him. People want to hear the voice of God and live in close communion with him, but are unwilling to do the work needed to live in such communion. No. If you want to hear his voice... if you want feel his closeness... if you want HIM you must chase him and pursue him with abandon. Seeking him with your whole heart is a kingdom concept. What you want is what you will get, and personally, I'd rather have God than anything else. I hope you feel the same.